Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Marty Moves On!

And I don't mean the fish Marty. Martin Biron, my favorite hockey player and goaltender for the Philadelphia Flyers, is now in the second round of the playoffs. He played awesome - which is more than I can say for their defense. But all is forgiven since he is moving on.


limpy99 said...

Where they will meet my new favorite team, (adopted at the beginning of the season), the Montreal Canadiens.

Even if I found myself rooting for the Bruins in the first round.

I'm really bad at having a favorite hockey team since the Whalers left. I have issues.

Phollower said...

I'm surprised you didn't put a picture of those big, bright eyes right on the front page of your blog. I imagine you wouldn't get anything more done then.

Sylvia said...

Limpy: I tend to root for the Canadian teams, after Buffalo of course. And Phollower shudders everytime I root for Philadelphia, so I have to do that on the down-low. What was up with the riots after Montreal got into the second round? I don't think the city will be able to handle it if they make it to the finals.

Phollower: I considered it. Those blue eyes do make my pulse race.