Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Being on the Weather Channel must be hard

Well, it's tornado season in the Midwest which means Phollower and I watch more of the Weather Channel than we'd like to. We were watching it recently, and Jim Cantore, one of the "meteorologist on air personnel," was talking about the severe weather. He was saying how one storm was kicking up a bunch of tornadoes earlier and that there was a spiral pattern to the cloud, indicating more were coming. But some lackey off-screen must have notified him that there were no tornado warnings in that area because he started mumbling about how there should be some soon. Then he said that the storms cycle, go quiet for a while and then suddenly start spawning tornadoes. If you watch, you imagine the "exciting" vocal quality he used for that little announcement.

I thought he should have said: "The storms cycle, get quiet, then BAM a tornado comes swinging out." Like Emeril. He made cooking fun, right? I know, he didn't really, just annoying. But I think it must be a hard job to do. They want to make weather exciting. But the only people watching are people who are living in that weather, and quite frankly, we don't want the weather to be exciting.

Phollower pointed out that tons of old people are also tuned in, those that are not doing genealogy on their computers, that is.


mama biscuit said...

Jim Cantore cracks me up. That man lives for bad weather to report about.

How are you guys doing in all that rain? Are you part of the flooding at all?

Sylvia said...

There is some flooding here, but not like it the Southern part of the state. And nothing like the "100 year flood" a few years ago. But I guess there is still time. That flood peaked in July. There were trees mostly underwater on the golf course.