Thursday, June 19, 2008

Split Personality?

I recently saw a car with the following two sayings on bumper stickers.

Sticker 1: "My boss is a Jewish Carpenter"
Sticker 2: "Graduate of the Road Rage School of Driving"

Now, both stickers seemed to be about the same age. Therefore, these are not two car owners' stickers colliding.

So I am left with two options in figuring this conundrum out:
1. The car owner is actually working for a Jewish carpenter, and not THE Jewish Carpenter who is traditionally being referred to by the bumper sticker.


2. The owner has a split personality since, although I am not a religious person, I am pretty sure THE Jewish Carpenter would be pretty against road rage. It seems very not "turn the other cheek"-ish.


Party Girl said...

Sad to say, but when I first saw the Jewish carpenter sticker slabbed on a bumper, several years ago, it took a few minutes for me to get it. (Perhaps saying something about me)

Before the *click* happened, I sat in my car secretly outraged at the driver's bigotry. How...why...would they need to tell the world they work for a Jew? What are they trying to dare they....oh, closed minded people...


Oooooh. THAT Jewish carpenter. Never mind.

Yep, I can be slow.

mama biscuit said...

Come on Sylvia, it's not that difficult. If you get right with God that gives you permission to act like a complete ass. At least that how it works down here in the South.

limpy99 said...

When Jesus roamed the earth there were no cars and no commutes. If her were to come back today, I'm pretty sure he'd crack a few heads after dealing with a few days of driving 20 mph behind some twit with their left turn signal on for 15 miles.

MrsOz said...

Jesus did stand up for himself. He didn't always turn the other cheek.

tysgirl - I'm not sure that I've ever met anyone who is positive that they are "right with God", but not everyone who has a relationship with Him acts like an ass. I know lots of people that act like asses but don't believe in God, AND lots of Christians who are complete a-holes.

mama biscuit said...

I didn't say everyone, I'm sorry you took it for that.

Where I live there are plenty of people who are positive they are right with god. Sadly, they use that belief to mistreat and shun anyone different than them.

In any case, it was meant as a joke based on things that I've written on my blog which Sylvia happens to visit.

Sylvia said...

Party Girl: I have to admit when I saw my first one of these, Phollower had to explain it to me. I love that you thought they were being a bigot! That was a roit!

MrsOZ: I think we can all agree that road rage is hardly the same as standing up for oneself. I am pretty sure if Jesus were alive today, he would not be ok with threatening to shoot someone over being cut-off in traffic.

I can vouch for Tysgirl. She did not mean all Christians are assholes.

Limpy: Did you mean to say God was a woman or was that a typo? You seemed to change sexes in your comment.