Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vote for Change, but vote early

I was making calls today for the Obama campaign, encouraging people in the state I live in to vote early. In my state, they are predicting several hour long waits at the polls on Election Day. In fact, I have heard of people waiting an hour at early voting sites already. The Obama campaign officials in my town are afraid he will lose voters when they can't wait for hours to cast their vote.

So the point of this long-winded, PSA is to vote early if you can, especially if you are planning to vote for Obama. If you are not voting for him, I recommend waiting until Election Day. betcha!


mama biscuit said...

No no no, Sylvia, you've got it all wrong. Didn't you hear? To reduce wait times all folks voting for Obama are asked to vote on Election day. Everyone else should vote the following day.


Just to be safe I plan to vote next week while on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're supporting Obama.

But I'm not surprised; it confirms what I knew about you already: smart!

Personally, I'll stand in line all damn day if I have to. Whatever it takes to cast my vote for Obama AND against Palin--oops, I mean McCain.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I'm turning your comments section into a political arena, but did you see the NY Times officially support Obama?

Nice piece that touches on the many reasons I'm voting for Obama:

Scarecrow said...

We have found out that we can and we will, for Obama of course. Thanks for the call

laney j. said...

We voted yesterday and so glad we did. Thanks!

Sylvia said...

Yeah to everyone who is voting early! I voted early today for Obama. I am so excited to see our country take a new course. I do like your idea though, Tysgirl!

Scarecrow said...

MDF and I voted yesterday. Check out out elections jack o lantern on my blog

mama biscuit said...

Just got back from early voting