Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Funny Movie Story

In my earlier post, I referred to another funny movie story. I know all two of you readers have been waiting on pins and needles, so here it is.

Back in 1995, I went to see Apollo 13 with some friends. Toward the end of the movie, someone around us said something about the astronauts getting back. My friend says, under his breath, "Oh great! Now they ruined the ending!"

We all cracked up. I probably have only laughed that hard at a handful of movies, and not usually at stuff that was supposed to be funny, like the blimp scene in The Mummy Returns. That movie made me laugh until I cried!


Scarecrow said...

Yeah that what I felt about "The Longest Day" and "Braveheart" knowing the ending total ruined the movie. Damn History classes!

MrsOz said...

"Oh My God that was the best movie I've ever seen!!"

I thought that was what you were going to say. But I guess if you don't know me, it's not that interesting.

limpy99 said...

Years ago, while working at another firm, I was having lunch in the break room. One of the girsl on the staff was, to put it bluntly, a moron. We were discussing the movie "Titanic", which was big at the time. She walked in, realized what we were talking about and, I shit you not, yells "Don't tell me how it ends"

Dead silence.

Sylvia said...

Limpy: I don't think there would have been dead silence in the room after that comment if the people I hang around with were there. Obviously, you are a better person than we are.